
Get to Proper Stance Faster

For intermediates, once you have a consistent take off with good technique, the next step is to either change take off technique for a faster…

Positioning: Riding Higher or Lower

Let’s compare how deep each of these surfboard rails are engaged in the water, according to the shape of the wave. The “Low surfer” trims…

Landing in the Proper Stance

At the beginner level, surfers must focus on landing with their feet in the correct position, centred over the stringer and with a proper stance.…

Use Hips to Manage Speed

There are two main ways to accelerate or slow down. Either move the feet on the surfboard or shift weight around by moving the hips…

Pumping: Use the Face & Top 3rds

“Pumping” refers to surfing up & down the face in a smooth motion to reposition yourself near the “pocket” and get propelled forward. Surfers don’t…

Rail Engagement to Redirect Water Flow

When the surfboard is set on rail, the water pressure that hits under the surfboard gets redirected backwards, which creates lift and forward drive. Watch…