Tutorial 1, Topic 1
In Progress

The last Paddle Strokes

The technique doesn’t change during your last few paddle strokes, only the stroke frequency increases. Once you are certain you’re at the right spot, stop looking back at the wave and paddle with commitment.

Watch at 8:04

Once you have the perfect positioning on the wave, it’s time to commit to catching it. The last few paddle strokes often make the difference between catching a wave or not catching it. Do not paddle two arms at a time, as you won’t continue gaining momentum when both your arms are up in the air.

Find the balance between looking back to position yourself perfectly for the wave, and committing to it. You don’t want to look back at the wave too much, especially during your last few paddle strokes. Once you are certain you’re at the right spot, stop looking back at the wave and paddle with all your heart.

Keep the same Efficient Paddling Technique

“Paddling with all your heart” doesn’t mean forgetting about the proper paddling technique. Lots of surfers try too hard. They want to catch the wave so much that all their technique disappears and they start doing short, inefficient paddle strokes right at the moment when it’s most important.
You still need to do long, deep and powerful paddle strokes.

The difference is that the paddle strokes frequency increases as you get closer to catching the wave.

When it gets critical to paddle, experienced surfers keep the same efficient paddle technique but they increase the number of paddle strokes per minute. They limit to the minimum the amount of time between the hand coming out of the water and re-entering the water for another paddle stroke.

Kicking with your feet can also give you a little extra power to get into the wave.