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Before you go, 
we want to make sure you know:

Your subscription could be renewed at a cheaper rate!

Most of our subscriptions renew at less than our current subscription pricesIf you aren’t set to renew at a subscription price lower than our current one, contact us at, and we will adjust your subscription.

Don’t miss out on new content or features!

In only a few years, we’ve already added an App with downloadable tutorials, a full coaching board, key elements, discussions with a community and coaches, etc. In addition, we have already quadrupled the number of video tutorials since we started in 2020! 

Still want to progress your surfing?

Life is better when you surf, and nothing compares to the satisfaction you feel when you unlock some things in your surfing. 

We’d love to keep helping you do that, so if the subscription price is an issue for you, contact our team at, and we’ll see what we can do.

By cancelling your membership, you will lose the following at the end of your subscription period:

• Access to all 24 Courses (100+ Premium Tutorials)

• The Coaching Board to Focus on the right techniques

• Our Community of like-minded surf enthusiasts

• Feedback from our Coaches

• Quizzes to test your Knowledge

• Use of the Barefoot Surf App to Download your courses Offline

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Please tell us why you wish to cancel your subscription

We strive to build the ultimate tool to help you progress faster and have more fun. To have as much impact on your progression as we possibly can, we need to know if there are things we should add or do differently with the platform.